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Air Medical Escort & Ground Ambulance

AMEGA is the first Romanian private company specialized in air and ground medical transfer/repatriation services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Air Medical Escort & Ground Ambulance

AMEGA este prima companie privată românească specializată în servicii de transfer/repatriere medical aerian și terestre 24 de ore pe zi, 7 zile pe săptămână, 365 de zile pe an


Abroad transfer or medical repatriation involves transporting a patient to a clinic or center of excellence abroad or back to the country of origin. AMEGA, offers reliable services as an international medical transport provider, covers different types of aeromedical or ground ambulance services and finds customized solutions for each case. to address many different situations and unique requirements. We understand the predicament you are in and will be there every step of the way to help you through the process.


Air ambulance

“Air ambulance” is a term that refers to an aircraft equipped with medical facilities to provide specialized medical assistance for critically ill patients to be able to provide treatment in flight. Air ambulances are generally operated by organizations specializing in emergency medical services, such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations or private companies.

Ground ambulance

The ground ambulance is the cheapest and most used means for short and medium distances, intended for stable or immobilized patients who require assisted medical transport. This is used less often where the patient does not have a flight indication or the pickup/destination areas do not have available flights or airports that we can use for air transportation. Patients in critical condition can also be transported over short distances

Medical repatriation

Medical repatriation (also known as medical evacuation to the country of origin) is the procedure by which patients with medical conditions are transferred to the country of origin. This procedure is usually performed by medical professionals specializing in medical repatriation and ensures that the patient is constantly monitored and receives adequate medical care throughout the entire transport.

Air medical escort

Air medical escort is a specialized medical transport service that involves the presence of a doctor or other medical professional and is carried out with the help of airlines. This form of transport is commonly used for patients requiring medical care. This type of service is intended for hemodynamically stable patients and does not require the administration of large amounts of oxygen.

International medical transfer

When you need to get to a clinic abroad, we can help you travel safely to the right location. AMEGA offers complex and customized solutions for each individual case. Our team of aeromedical services professionals will provide you with the necessary care and treatment during transport. We have the necessary equipment for each service.

Civil escort

This type of service is intended for elderly or disabled people who cannot move or care for themselves.
The civil escort is the person who provides basic care (help on the move, help in feeding, chronic diseases, chronic conditions).
Civil escort is ideal for medium and long distances for this category of people but also for escorting minors.

We operate worldwide.

Medical repatriation is intended for tourists who suffer from an acute medical condition while on vacation, people who work for a limited period abroad, and those who want to settle for a temporary activity in another country.
No one is immune to a health problem abroad: accident or illness. In the worst cases, emergency repatriation to the country of origin will be unavoidable. Considering the costs involved, it is better to be covered by an insurance company or a repatriation guarantee.
It is very important to purchase an insurance policy that covers the expenses of an accident or illness that must also include medical repatriation.
Fill out the AMEGA request form online and get a free quote or call +40 787 344 033.
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